

I would like to say a few things.

First, I think people should read the Old Testament more. Especially because it's REAL (not that the New Testament isn't, just to clarify haha). Abraham nearly having to sacrifice his own son? Joseph, though disowned from his own brothers, becoming Pharaoh's right-hand man? God engulfing the entire Egyptian region in darkness while keeping the Israelites in light? Moses using his staff to divide the Red Sea and leading God's people on dry land?

All those things-- they really happened. Do I truly believe that? Do we, as the body of Christ, truly believe that, not only is the Lord capable of doing those things, but that He actually did?

Shoot. I can say I've been convicted of that recently.

Second, I'm not drinking coffee anymore. And when I say coffee, I mean real coffee. Not those blended things or mochas or whatever (though all of those things are delicious). I mean a cup of  just-poured, freshly-roasted African blend that's been hanging out in a French press for just under five minutes. With a leeeetle bit of cream. Yes, that kind of coffee. Two weeks ago, I discovered my stomach hates this drink. My stomach and coffee acid duked it out for a few days... And the punchy acid won.

So now I drink tea, along with the occasional mocha.

It's kinda weird. I feel like I've been kicked out of some sort of cool kids club. But let me tell you-- I only had a caffeine headache maybe twice in the last two weeks. I kid you not! As strange as it sounds, that was a huge blessing. I am so thankful for the Lord's graciousness, in that way (and so many others).

Third. I find myself returning to this truth over and over again-- the Lord provides. Or, as translated in the Hebrew, "the Lord will see to it." (Did I mention I'm taking biblical Hebrew? It's freakin hard. Slash my favorite class....) Despite my distracted heart and wandering mind, He remains faithful-- to His promises, His children, His character.

For He grew up before Him as a tender shoot, and like a root out of parched ground; He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him... 

He poured out Himself to death, and was numbered with the transgressors; yet He Himself bore the sin of many, and interceded for the transgressors. 
[Isaiah 53:2,12]

His love is unexplicable. And for that, I am overwhelmingly thankful.

Fourth, I find myself loving this dear friend more and more everyday. She is such a blessing to me-- words truly cannot express how she challenges me to seek the Lord on a daily basis and encourages me in a way that speaks to my heart. Love you, Suz!


  1. first of all, you are beautiful. your heart and mind. oh and also your face, but that's not so important. second, i am trusting God to protect me from vicious jealousy of your budding hebrew skills. i LOVE "the LORD will see to it." can i just get the torah tatooed on my arms? please? okay i guess i'll start with having it written on my heart.

  2. Friends, God-stories, drink-changes...new language. Growth in so many ways. So glad. By the way, what does the Hebrew say at beginning of blog & how do you say it?? Love you!

  3. Anonymous11/06/2011

    lovin your blog pammie. miss you and hope all is well! let me know how I can be praying for you! :)

